What Does Advertorial Placement On A Website Do?
In this fast paced world where online business is the most common, it's important for you to use adverts wisely and in the correct places. There are several key principles you need to consider when placing advertorials - for example: don't place them too close to the product or service you're trying to sell. The product or service description should be enough to explain what it is. Don't overload your advertorial with graphics - make sure you can keep your readers attention with less text. A recent case study showed how poorly an advertorial was placed may harm its success. A supermarket bought an advertorial for a local alpaca farm, placed it next to the products being sold. The ad was for the sale of 'Arai alpaca socks' and the article discussed the advantages of buying alpaca socks. Three months later, sales had fallen by 20% while the number of queries for the supermarket website had gone up. The ad was therefore ineffective in communicating the message tha...